Top Harry Potter Group Names to Unite Every Wizarding Circle
Welcome, witches, wizards, and Muggles alike! Whether you’re rallying your fellow Potterheads for a Quidditch fantasy league, forming a cozy book club, or simply looking for a fun way to unite your magical friend group, the right name can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll delve into the whimsical world of Harry Potter for creative inspiration, exploring everything from iconic Hogwarts houses to unforgettable spells and creatures. By the end, you’ll be equipped with a variety of group name ideas that embrace the magic of the Wizarding World and help your circle stand out like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Let’s turn the page and step into a realm where imagination reigns supreme!

200 Creative Group Name Ideas for Harry Potter Fans
- The Sorting Hat Society
- The Patronus Pack
- Marauder’s Next Generation
- Knight Bus Crew
- The Basilisk’s Bane
- Phoenix & Flames
- Horcrux Hunters
- Dumbledore’s Daydreamers
- The Triwizard Troupe
- Bewitched & Unbothered
- The Cauldron Connoisseurs
- Charmed & Dangerous
- Felix Felicis Friends
- Unicorn Alley Alliance
- The Golden Snitches
- Spellbound Squad
- Daily Prophet Debaters
- The Chocolate Frog Circle
- The Niffler’s Crew
- Order of the Hippogriff
- The Thestral Troop
- Diagon Alley Adventurers
- Firebolt Flyers
- Grim Defenders
- Goblet of Firekeepers
- Professor’s Pet Peeves
- The Muggle Studies Circle
- Wingardium Leviosas
- The Howler Huddle
- Forbidden Forest Wanderers
- Hogwarts Homebodies
- The Leaky Cauldron Clique
- Raven’s Quoth & Co.
- The Slytherin Strategists
- Gryffindor’s Roar
- Hufflepuff’s Heart
- Ravenclaw’s Riddle Masters
- Weasley’s Wizarding Wonders
- Charms & Sparks
- The Honeydukes Collective
- Book of Spells Society
- The Polyjuice Posse
- The “Nearly Headless” Squad
- Pensieve Voyagers
- Wrackspurts & Giggles
- The Great Hall Gathering
- The Astronomy Tower Tribe
- Mandrake Mates
- Elixir Enthusiasts
- The Invisibility Cloaked
- The Basilisk Breakers
- Lumos Alliance
- Chamber of Secrets Survivors
- Advanced Potion Makers
- Enchanted Quill Collective
- Mischief Managers
- The Quidditch Conclave
- Flourish & Blotts Book Club
- The Fawkes Flock
- Gryffindor Gang & Co.
- Slytherin Serpents
- Hufflepuff Heroes
- Ravenclaw Readers & Thinkers
- Deathly Hallows Defenders
- Zonko’s Pranksters
- Witch Weekly Readers
- Wizard’s Chess Champions
- The Deluminator’s Light
- Alohomora Alliance
- The Pumpkin Pasties Pack
- Gringotts Gold Diggers
- The Burrow Buddies
- The Marauding Mapmakers
- Nimbus Navigators
- Quibbler Questers
- Merpeople’s Melody
- The Ministry’s Misfits
- Hogsmeade Happenings
- Accio Adventures
- Mysterious Riddikulus
- The Spell Scribes
- Patronus & Co.
- Fantastic Friends & Where to Find Them
- Cursed Child Collective
- The Elder Wanders
- The Hogwarts Express Crew
- Time-Turner Troop
- Knockturn Alley Knights
- The Acromantula Assembly
- Pygmy Puff Pals
- The Fortescue Frosters
- The Elder Wand Wielders
- Crookshanks’ Coven
- Potions & Puns
- Nimbus & Broomsticks
- The Wizarding Wireless Network
- Chocolate Frog Card Collectors
- S.P.E.W. (Society of Peeves’ Eccentric Witches/Wizards)
- The Magical Menagerie
- The Beauxbatons Bunch
- Durmstrang Daredevils
- The Basilisk Bravados
- Stupefy Squad
- Azkaban Escapists
- The Crystal Ball Collective
- Witching Hour Whisperers
- The Mirror of Erised Explorers
- Dobby’s Devotees
- Quill & Scroll Sorcery
- Midnight Marauders
- Ollivander’s Favorites
- Monster Book Mavens
- The Odder Otters (Luna’s Patronus)
- Gillyweed Gatherers
- The Sorting Hat Harmonies
- Boggart Beaters
- Wizards & Muggles Alike
- The Night Bus Navigators
- House Cup Pursuit
- Marauder Moonhowlers
- The Granger Gang
- Longbottom’s Army
- Chamber of Chat
- The Egg and the Eye Ensemble
- Magical Mischief & Mayhem
- Grimmauld Place Residents
- The Potions Lab Rats
- Honeydukes Honeybees
- Spectrespecs Squad
- The Triwizard Dream Team
- The Wizarding Workshop
- The Lumos League
- Patronus for Purpose
- Chocolate Frogs & Fizzing Whizbees
- Ministry of Mischief
- The Fizzing Whizbees Fellowship
- Slug Club Contingent
- The Headmaster’s Chosen
- Golden Snitch Society
- Half-Blood Heroes
- The Vanishing Cabinet Crew
- Bewitched Brainiacs
- The Tek on Quibbler
- Quidditch Cup Crusaders
- The Basilisk Busters
- The Wand Weavers
- Tales of Beedle’s Best
- The Owlery Observers
- Restricted Section Readers
- The Fat Friar’s Friends
- The Sorting Ceremony Summoners
- Fur & Feathers Fellowship
- Locomotor Laughs
- The Room of Requirement Residents
- The Care of Magical Creatures Collective
- Midnight Owl Express
- Magical Maps & Mischief
- The Elder Brothers (and Sisters)
- Pensieve Ponderers
- Sorcerer’s Stone Seekers
- The Gryffin-Darlings
- Potions & Problems
- The Heads of Hogwarts
- The Cornish Pixie Pals
- The Shrieking Shack Squad
- Platform 9¾ Posse
- Butterbeer Brigade
- The Bowtruckle Buddies
- The Dementor Deflectors
- St. Mungo’s Miracle Makers
- The Beater’s Battalion
- Gryffindor, Etc.
- Slytherin Social Circle
- Tales of the Triwizard
- The Enchanted Eloquence
- Wizarding World Wanderers
- Diagon Daring Duo (or More!)
- Sugar Quills & Secrets
- Wands at the Ready
- Snape’s Secret Society
- Herbology Heroes
- Phoenix Flames Forever
- The Emerald Eye Enthusiasts
- Gamp’s Law Breakers
- Potters’ Positivity Patrol
- Loyal as Hufflepuff
- The Weird Sisters Fan Club
- The Hogwarts Historical Society
- The Magnificent Magi
- The Pumpkin Juice Crew
- Magical Stitches & Swishes
- Transfiguration Titans
- Peeves’ Prank Patrol
- The Marauder’s Menagerie
- The Sword of Gryffindor Guardians
- Magical Mischief Makers
- Mischief, Magic & Mayhem
- The Flourish & Blotts Bunch
- The House Elf Helpers
- The Wizarding Wayfarers
50 Harry Potter Quiz Group Name Ideas
- Dumbledore’s Detectives
- The Quirky Quaffles
- House of Hidden Horcruxes
- Marauder’s Map Masters
- Spellbound Scholars
- Triwizard Triviators
- Riddikulus Riddlers
- The Chamber of Smart Secrets
- Basilisk Brainiacs
- The Golden Snitches
- The Phoenix Flames
- The Lumos League
- Horcrux Hunters
- Fantastic Brain Beasts
- The Quibbler Quiz Crew
- The Knight Bus Brainiacs
- The Whomping Winners
- Lumos & Laughter
- Goblet of Queries
- Wizarding Whizzes
- The Forbidden Forest Fathomers
- The Sorting Hat Supremes
- Dobby’s Devotees
- The Time-Turner Tacticians
- The Mischief Managers
- Owl Post Pundits
- Firebolt Flyers
- The Polyjuice Puzzlers
- The Hogsmeade Heroes
- Muggle-Born Masterminds
- Half-Blood Brain Trust
- The Wands & Wonders
- The Marauding Minds
- The Weasley Wizards
- The Order of Know-It-Alls
- The Daily Prophet Detectives
- The Patronus Pals
- The Diagon Alley Aces
- Slytherin Sleuths
- Ravenclaw Riddles & Co.
- Gryffindor Geniuses
- Hufflepuff Hotshots
- The Helga’s Cup Conundrum Crew
- The Basilisk Busters
- Moonlit Marauders
- The Divination Dreamers
- The Quidditch Quizzers
- Ollivander’s Think Tank
- The Alohomora Aficionados
- The Wizarding Whiz Kids
100 Harry Potter Themed Book Club Name
- The Room of Reading
- Order of the Bookworms
- Hogwarts Library Society
- Muggle Minds & Magic
- Dumbledore’s Army of Readers
- The Marauders’ Book Map
- Words & Wizards
- The Sorting Shelf
- The Quibbler’s Collective
- Granger’s Book Guardians
- The Cupboard Under the Stairs Book Club
- Fawkes & Fiction
- The Owl Post Readers
- Leaky Cauldron Literature
- Flourish & Blotts Book Society
- The Golden Snitch Readers
- Horcrux of Books
- S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Extraordinary Works)
- The Wizarding Pages
- Patronus Pages
- Books & Basilisks
- Phoenix Feathers & Fiction
- Beyond the Veil of Books
- Hogsmeade Readers’ Retreat
- Platform 9 ¾ Book Club
- The Chocolate Frog Book Hop
- Accio Adventures
- Mischief (Well) Managed
- The Restricted Section Readers
- Butterbeer & Books
- Knight Bus Novel Travelers
- Tales from the Three Broomsticks
- Spellbound by Stories
- Beyond the Mirror of Erised
- Dobby’s Book Socks
- The Riddikulus Readers
- Hedwig’s Book Delivery
- Mad-Eye’s Reading Club
- The Hallows & Horcruxes Society
- The Daily Prophet Discussion Group
- The Chamber of Chats
- Triwizard Book Tournament
- Niffler’s Treasure Trove of Books
- Obliviate the Ordinary
- The Crookshanks Collective
- Dragon Hearts & Dragon Tales
- Phoenix Song Society
- Parchment & Quill Book Club
- Whomping Willows & Words
- The Wand-erful Book Nook
- Portkey Pages
- Scales & Scrolls
- Engorgio Enthusiasm
- Between the Pages of Hogwarts
- House-Elf Library Alliance
- Asphodel & Wormwood Readers
- Felix Felicis Fiction
- Goblet of Books
- Alohomora to Adventure
- The Vanishing Cabinet of Stories
- Hippogriff Book Riders
- Tales of the Forbidden Forest
- Literary Patronus
- Weasley Wizard Reading
- Mandrake & Manuscript
- The Dueling Club (of Books)
- Anytime Is Mimbulus Mimbletonia Time
- The Confringo Chronicles
- Morning Myrtle’s Book Bath
- Heirs of Ravenclaw Readers
- Gryffindor’s Pride & Pages
- Hufflepuff’s Heart & Harmony
- Slytherin’s Secrets & Stories
- The Pride of Hogwarts
- Broomstick & Bookmarks
- Evanesco the Boring
- Nightly Tales at Nocturne Alley
- Half-Blood Book Club
- Seekers of the Snitch
- Wit Beyond Measure Book Circle
- Newt’s Fantastic Reads & Where to Find Them
- The Collective of Clever Witches & Wizards
- The Witching Hour Readers
- Accio Book Discussions
- From Ashwinder to Inferius
- Spellotape & Spine
- Wingardium Literature
- Words Under the Whispers
- Thestrals & Theories
- Sorcerer’s Read and Review
- The Chamber of Literary Secrets
- Quill & Cauldron
- Magical Text Explorers
- Gringotts Bank of Books
- The Lofty Loft of Luna
- Expelliarmus the Mundane
- Dark Arts & Discussion
- Trelawney’s Tome Troupe
- Moony’s Midnight Readers
- The Pensieve Pages
100 Gamertag Ideas
- TheBoyWhoFragged
- MarauderMaster
- ExpectoVictory
- SlytherinShadow
- QuidditchChaser
- FelixFurious
- PatronusPaladin
- DiagonDestroyer
- RiddikulusRanger
- MinistryMaverick
- DarkMarkDuelist
- NimbusNightmare
- EngorgioExpert
- MischiefManaged77
- PatronusPrime
- GrimDefender
- ObliviateOmega
- HalfBloodHero
- WandOfWonder
- KnightBusBrawler
- CornishPixiePunk
- SwordOfGryffindor
- ThestralTamer
- RunespoorRider
- DeathlyHallowRogue
- RavenclawReborn
- CursedChildChampion
- PhoenixForceFury
- BasiliskBreaker
- AzkabanAvenger
- Platform9N3Quarters
- MudbloodMage
- GalleonGuardian
- ButterbeerBrawler
- SkeloGrowSavage
- AnimagusAce
- ChudleyCannonShot
- PolyjuicePredator
- SectumSempraStorm
- WingardiumWin
- MagicalMenagerie
- MugglebornMight
- WhompingWillowWisp
- HungarianHorntail
- SpellboundSnitch
- StupefySupreme
- GoblinKingGringotts
- FawkesFeatherFury
- ForbiddenForestFiend
- NimbusNightHawk
- SlughornSpecialist
- InvisibilityInstinct
- HexPlex
- WeasleyWandWielder
- QuaffleCrusher
- AurorInAction
- Dumbledore’sArmy
- DragonDuelDream
- DoloresNoMore
- ScourgifySorcerer
- MandrakeMayhem
- OpugnoOverlord
- LumosLegend
- PortkeyPioneer
- ElderWandEclipse
- BellatrixBane
- Hedwig’sWing
- GriffinToGriffindor
- VoldyVaporizer
- InferiIncarnate
- PotionsProdigy
- DraughtOfDoom
- CruciatoCrusher
- AnimagusRampage
- VeelaVengeance
- ManticoreMage
- OcclumencyOath
- HexenHammer
- WizardingWarlord
- HogsmeadeHawk
- NevilleNuke
- SnapeSupremacy
- HoneydukesHunter
- PetrificusPro
- MorsmordreMaster
- SilverDoeSniper
- TriwizardTrooper
- HuffAndPuffHero
- MoonyMadness
- PadfootPower
- KnightOfNiffler
- LegilimensLegend
- KeenOnQuirrell
- RavenclawRogue
- MirrorOfErised
- MorsMordreMayhem
- AvadaKedavraClash
- DobbyTheDefiant
- PhoenixAshArisen
- WitchcraftWarrior
Please let us know in the comments below if you liked these name ideas and if you would like us to add more.