450 Star Wars Trivia Team Names
Star Wars is a very famous movie series loved by people all over the world. It has many amazing characters, exciting stories, and a big galaxy to explore. If you like Star Wars and also enjoy playing trivia games, you might want a cool team name that shows your love for the series. In this article, we share some fun and clever Star Wars trivia team names. These names will make your team stand out and also bring a smile to other fans of the galaxy far, far away. Let’s find the perfect name for your team!

Best Star Wars Team Name Ideas
- Galactic Gladiators
- Sith Lords United
- The Jedi Order
- Rogue Squadron
- Empire Strikers
- Rebel Alliance
- Mandalore Marauders
- Forceful Fighters
- Wookiee Warriors
- Death Star Destroyers
- The Force Awkwardens
- Sith Happens
- Han Shot First
- Chewbaccaneers
- The Droids You’re Looking For
- Boba Fret
- Force in the Friend Zone
- Yoda Best
- Darth Blasters
- Space Balls
- The Padawans
- Jedi Masters
- Kyber Crusaders
- Lightsaber Legends
- The Guardian Temple
- Mace Winders
- High Republic Heroes
- Jedi Vanguard
- Skywalkers Supreme
- Holocron Hunters
- Lords of the Dark Side
- Vader’s Vengeance
- The Crimson Saber
- Palpatine’s Posse
- Maul’s Marauders
- Darth Destroyers
- The Imperial Shadows
- Knights of Renegade
- Eternal Siths
- Dark Star Saboteurs
- Millennium Falcons
- Starfighters
- X-Wing Aces
- TIE Squadron
- Starcruiser Champs
- Razor Crest Renegades
- The Starhoppers
- Fleet Commanders
- Starport Stealth
- The Hyperspace Heroes
- Guild of Hunters
- Mandalorian Marksmen
- Fett’s Fury
- Carbonite Crushers
- The Wanted List
- Galactic Mercenaries
- The Puck Collectors
- Underworld Syndicate
- Holo Bounty Hunters
- Outlaws of the Galaxy
- Kashyyyk Krushers
- The Mighty Chewbaccas
- Droid Army
- R2-MVPs
- The Binary Bandits
- BB-8 Ballers
- Protocol Pros
- The Droid Factory
- K2-Slayers
- Droid Destroyers
- The Kyber Knights
- Force Fielders
- Lightsaber Legion
- Balance of the Force
- The Chosen Ones
- Sabermasters
- Jedi and the Forceful
- Holocron Seekers
- A New Hopefuls
- Light Side Legends
- Naboo Nobles
- Tatooine Titans
- Endor Explorers
- Hoth Heroes
- Bespin Cloudriders
- Jakku Nomads
- Mustafar Firewalkers
- Dagobah Defenders
- Coruscant Elites
- Alderaan Avengers
- The Imperial Invaders
- Snoke’s Supremes
- The First Order Finest
- Supreme Leaders
- Starkiller Squad
- Vader’s Legion
- Emperor’s Elite
- Sith Stormtroopers
- The Inquisitorium
- Dark Side Dominion
- “Do or Do Not”
- The Scruffy-Lookin’ Nerfherders
- “It’s a Trap!”
- Laugh It Up, Fuzzballs
- I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing
- May the Force Be With Us
- “I Am Your Father”
- These Are the Droids
- No Disintegrations
- The Sandpeople
- The Rebel Scum
- Ewoking Dead
- Jawa Juice Crew
- Droid Hard
- Yoda’s Yoga Masters
- Return of the Goofballs
- Cantina Band Champs
- Force Awakens Fools
- Rise of the Puns
- BB-Greats
- Bantha Stampede
- Rancor’s Wrath
- Tauntaun Riders
- The Ewok Alliance
- Sarlacc Pit Survivors
- Porg Protectors
- Wampa Wanderers
- Dianoga Divers
- Nexu Nights
- Geonosian Swarm
- Rebel Scoundrels
- Imperial Invincibles
- Stormtrooper Strikers
- Rebel Vanguards
- Galactic Domination
- Rogue Rebels
- Tarkin’s Terrors
- Alliance Fireflies
- Resistance Rocketeers
- Command Force
- The Phantom Fives
- Attack of the Squads
- Clone Champs
- Revenge of the Dream Team
- New Hopefuls
- The Force Awakens All-Stars
- Rise of the Rebels
- The Last Heroes
- Empire Strikes Again
- Return of the Legends
- The Starfighters
- Trench Run Titans
- Rebel Strike Team
- Lightsaber Duelists
- Galactic Guardians
- Tactical Troopers
- The Battlefront Squad
- Siege of Legends
- Blaster Brigade
- Cosmic Crushers
- Binks’ Blunders
- R2-Best
- Jabba the Champs
- Force Quitters
- Rebel Yells
- Han’s Down
- Let the Wookiee Win
- Pew Pew Masters
- Blast Off Buddies
- Mos Eisley Misfits
- Supreme Force
- Jedi Grandmasters
- Masters of Mandalore
- Imperial Conquerors
- Sith Invincibles
- Cosmic Overlords
- Kyber Lords
- The Invincible Fleet
- Death Star Victors
- Heroes of the Republic
- Lightsaber Savants
- Star Destroyer Legends
- Forceful Thinkers
- Jedi Strategists
- Galactic Dreamers
- The Cosmic Pathfinders
- Echo Base Champs
- The Rebel Innovators
- The Saberstormers
- Stellar Victory Squad
- Porg Patrol
- Wookiee Lookouts
- Jawa Jokers
- Droid Squad Goals
- TIE Fighter Fails
- Sith Kicks
- Yoda One for Us
- Death Star Dunkers
- Cantina All-Stars
Funny Star Wars Team Names
- Obi-Wan Team Only
- Qui-Gon Jinn It to Win It
- Yoda Best Team
- Jedi Mind Tricksters
- Forceful Winners
- Padawan Power
- Masters of the Force
- The Last Jedi Standing
- Return of the Competitors
- Lightsaber Enthusiasts
- Force Awakens Champs
- Jedi on the Block
- The Phantom Team
- Rogue One and Done
- Skywalker’s Sidekicks
- The Darth Side
- Vader’s Minions
- Kylo and the Renegades
- Sith Happens
- The Empire Strikes First
- Sith You Were Here
- Rule of Two Crew
- Palpatine Posse
- Supreme Leader Squad
- Dark Side Dreamers
- Star Destroyer Dominators
- Red Lightsaber Rebels
- Force Choke Champions
- Darth Maul’s Malcontents
- Sith Lord Squad Goals
- X-Wing Fighters
- Tie Fighter Titans
- Starship Troopers
- Millennium Falcons
- Death Star Dwellers
- Kessel Run Kings
- Hyperdrive Heroes
- Star Cruisers United
- Podracing Professionals
- Rebel Fleet Freaks
- Ewok Engineers
- Star Tours Travelers
- Imperial Walkers
- Space Cantina Crew
- The Bounty Hunt Squad
- Do or Do Not, There is No Try
- I Am Your Father’s Team
- These Aren’t the Droids You’re Looking For
- Help Me, Obi-Wan, We’re Winning!
- May the Scores Be With You
- It’s a Trap!
- I Find Your Lack of Effort Disturbing
- That’s No Moon, It’s Our Trophy
- Never Tell Us the Odds
- I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This
- The Force Will Be With Us
- We’re All Fine Here Now, Thanks
- The Galaxy’s Greatest Team
- Laugh It Up, Fuzzballs
- Your Overconfidence is Your Weakness
- R2-Winning
- BB-Great
- Droid Dream Team
- C-3P-Oh Yeah!
- Binary Sunset Squad
- Astromech Alliance
- Droid Destroyers
- Circuit Breakers
- Protocol Pros
- Bleep Bloop Blasters
- Mechanized Masters
- The Droid Squad
- Bots and Blasters
- Tech Savvy Troopers
- Droid Army of Fun
- Wookiee Warriors
- Jabba the Fun
- Chewie’s Champions
- Ewok This Way
- Tauntaun Riders
- Bantha Fodder
- Hutt and Seek
- Jawa Junkyard Team
- Sarlacc Snackers
- Admiral Ackbar’s Army
- Gungan Goofs
- Mos Eisley Misfits
- Tusken Raiders
- Boba’s Bandits
- Rancor Wranglers
- Star Wreck
- Wars of the Stars
- Force-fed Fun
- Darth Blender
- Light Side Legends
- Sith and Giggles
- Cantina Karaoke Kings
- Stormtrooper Shuffle
- Porg Patrol
- Tatooine Titans
- Rebel Scum United
- Grand Moff Tarkin’s Team
- Galactic Empire Elite
- Resistance Rebellion
- The New Republic Nerds
- Hoth Survivors Club
- Cloud City Dream Team
- Bespin All-Stars
- Mandalorian Marauders
- Jabba’s Court Jesters
- Glow Stick Gang
- Laser Sword Legends
- Saber Smashers
- Duel of the Fates Squad
- Double-Bladed Winners
- The Saber Swingers
- Blade Wielding Winners
- Jedi Duelists
- Light Side Slicers
- Saber Rattlers
- Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herders
- Porg Nation
- Womp Rat Wranglers
- Hoth and Bothered
- Chosen Ones
- The Sand People
- Blue Milk Baristas
- Mos Espa Moguls
- Force Ghost Fanatics
- Jedi Mind Blowers
- Star Wars and Chill
- Jedi Netflixers
- Game of Clones
- Sithflix Originals
- The Force Awakens Pizza
- Harry Potter and the Jedi Order
- Trek Wars
- Galaxy Questers
- Marvelous Jedis
- Forcebook Friars
- Rebel Without a Cause
- The Resistance Renegades
- Freedom Fighters United
- Leia’s Legends
- Alderaan Avengers
- Yavin 4 Stars
- Mon Mothma’s Minions
- Rebel Base Builders
- Rogue Squadron All-Stars
- The Rebellion Revengers
- Space Invaders
- Droid Farmers
- Swoop Bike Squad
- Holocron Holders
- Carbonite Crushers
- Trash Compactor All-Stars
- The Jawa Juice Junkies
- Rancor Snackers
- Wookiee Hairballers
- Force Fed Breakfast Club
- Force Pushers
- Jar Jar Thinkers
- Porg Posse
- Sith Supreme Squad
- Kyber Crystal Collectors
- Lando’s Gambler Gang
- The Hyperspace Hustlers
- Star Baker Wars
- Clone-atic Winners
- Mandalorian Money-Makers
- The Festive Jedi
- Life Day Lovers
- Hoth Chocolate Crew
- The Snowtroopers
- Wampa Wonderland
- Frosty the Jedi
- Sithmas Carollers
- New Year, New Force
- Galaxy’s Holiday Heroes
- A Very Vader Christmas
- Bantha Breakfast Club
- Nerf Herder Nation
- Droid Dance-Off
- Space Salsa Squad
- The Jedi Jokesters
- Blaster Masters
- The Holo-Team
- Galaxy’s Greatest
- Team Hyperspace
- Darth Delicious
- Death Star Ballers
- Podracer Pros
- Jedi Trivia Masters
- Wampa Whompers
- Sith Showstoppers
- The Galactic Quizlords
- Star Destroyer Dunkers
- The Yoda Yodelers
- Cantina Kickers
- Rebel Runner-Ups
- The Forceful Fives
- Ewok Empire
- Hutt Hustlers
- Droid Outliers
- Intergalactic Gliders
- The Cantina Crew
- The Sassy Siths
- Space Time Travelers
- Team Starwalker
- Jedi Clown Posse
- Kylo Renegades
- Supreme Teaminators
- Tatooine Titans
- Wampa Wonders
- Starbright Squad
- Speeder Streaks
- Droid Alliance
- Stormtrooper Stormers
- Sith Sillies
- Hoth Hotshots
- Rebel Rascals
- Space Smugglers
- Sith-tastic Friends
- Carbonite Crushers
- Blaster Babes
- Light Speed Legends
- X-Wing Nation
- Boba’s Bad Batch
- The Dark Side Dwellers
- R2’s Rebels
- Galactic Oddities
- Starstruck Seekers
- Beskar Battalion
- Sith-Raiders
- Clone Wars Champs
- Wookiee Wonders
- Ewok Escapists
- The Bantha Brunch
- Spice Smugglers
- Starry-Eyed Seekers
- Porg Parade
- Astromech Assassins
- Droid Devotees
- Wookiee Winners
- Forcefully Funny
- Jedi Giggle Gang
- The Sith Sitcom
- Yoda’s Yogis
- The Millennium Mashers
- Forceful Phenoms
Please let us know in the comments below if you liked these name ideas and if you would like us to add more.